In the News
Featured in newly released book on Creativity titled Breakthrough Thinking, 2014 by author Thomas Vogel as a case study alongside influential industry professionals.
Was also instrumental in creating the visual language, illustrations and mapping the text through visual diagrams for the book on a tight timeline.
Interview and Feature in Color Quotient, a digital and print magazine reaching over 15,000 professionals through print circulation alone by Asian Paints, one of the largest paint manufacturers in the Indian subcontinent.
Featured on the popular blog Apartment therapy.
Speaker at International seminar at Quattroporte on emerging trends, Stockholm, Sweden
Espressoself Blog Feature
Article Published in Fall edition of bi-annual international newsletter of Emerson Globe.
Blog magazine feature.
UK Website feature.
Interview in Pool Magazine- India's premier online design magazine.
Panelist at EmersonNEXT talk with Advertising Legend Fran Kelly
Pop & Lolli wall decal company referencing room mural painting
Featured on the popular Rad mom Cool Kid Blog