Research and Strategy Case studies
"I'm always asking questions- not to find 'answers,' but to see where the questions lead. Dead ends sometimes? That's fine. New directions? Interesting. Great insights? Over-ambitious. A glimpse here and there? Perfect."
Lesley Hazleton
Over the past two and a half years, I've had the opportunity to work on numerous global projects across the United States, India, Germany, France, Switzerland, UK, Russia, China and Japan for several Fortune 500 companies. Due to the proprietary nature of the work, I am unable to share details of the projects on my website. However, I will be happy to discuss if you'd like more information. Below is a list of just a few of the clients I've worked with recently.
During my time at Arnold Worldwide, I was responsible for the User Experience aspects of the Drive Safe Today Day pledge envisioned to help people become more aware of road safety. Below are some screen shots of the site which can be viewed at http://drivesafetodayday.progressive.com/. The idea was to create a customized journey in which users could create unique sharable pledges. The site creates awareness that contrary to the familiar 10 and 2 o’clock position one may have learned in driver’s ed, it’s now recommended that drivers place their hands at 9 and 3- the new safety stance.
Was part of a creative pitch to the VP of Payments Innovation at US Bank, one of the 5 largest banks in the United States. The brief included coming up with a strategy to encourage people to save and budget. As part of our presentation, my team and I arrived at the core concept of building on the scientific insight that it takes 21 days to form any habit. We incorporated this idea into a marketing campaign that would enable and encourage the audience to save until it became second nature.
In order to make budgeting less intimidating, the entire concept was broken down into day by day segments that would tap into all forms of social media engagement to promote sharing and positivity.
The inbuilt features were intended to help people track their progress and map their path to empowerment as they began their journey with US bank.
This research project was in collaboration with Quattroporte, a trend mapping agency in Sweden. Research methodology included focus groups, qualitative and quantitative data analysis with a vision to map and understand emerging trends and values of Millenials in India. The project aimed to understand the emerging values of the future generation. Below is a glimpse into the framework of the research. The results were compared and contrasted against similar research conducted in parts of Europe and America.
Final presentation in Stockholm, with a comparative trend forecast for emerging trends and values in Europe.