Busy lives & Business Cards
Harini Chandrasekar
"It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?" Henry David Thoreau Yes- I have nothing to blame but having been "busy" for not uploading a blog entry earlier. To make amends, I shall in today's post show you what this lil ant has been upto.
Earlier this week I got thinking about business cards and the fact that mine was in desperate need of being updated. After a lot of random doodling, pinterest searches and scouring the web with no particular aim, I had my eureka moment when my husband and I suddenly decided to pep up our rather dull day with a game of playing cards. Soon after, I got to work and below are some images of my journey.
I wanted my card to be fun and reflect the dual aspect of the work I do which often combines visual and creative elements with research and strategic insights to generate new ideas.