The Madras Designery
Thoughts and Illustrations from my daily blog
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Caffeine Snobbery
Harini Chandrasekar
"The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce": Oliver Holmes, "Over the teacups" 1981.
Despite having done an earlier post about coffee, caffeine plays such an integral role in my life that I cannot help but dedicate a whole new illustration detailing it (probably more than I should:))
The Onesie Odyssey
Harini Chandrasekar
There's nothing quite like my sister's inspiring home surrounded by the loveliest woods to get my creative juices flowing again. Below are onesies (incidentally the greatest garments ever designed) created for my baby niece with some snapshots of the process detailed below. As her name starts with M, one of the onesies has silhouettes of some fun animals that begin with the same letter namely Mongoose, Meerkat, Moose, Mackerel, Mouse, Magpie, Manatee and Monkey. Can you spot them all?
Swimming with the fish
Harini Chandrasekar
Apartment Therapy!
Harini Chandrasekar
Many thanks to Apartment Therapy for featuring my work on their popular blog. Click here to visit the link. Nothing quite compares to an unexpected happy surprise!:)
Snail Mail!
Harini Chandrasekar
"What a wonderful thing is the mail, capable of conveying across continents a warm human hand-clasp." Author Unknown Do you remember the last time you received a handwritten mail delivered by the Postman? Paper that someone had taken the time to choose, the texture of blotted ink and the smell of something special. Thanks to Ziggy shortcrust's marvelous blog, I do! In this age of instant gratification, it is indeed a great joy to receive an envelope of happiness (which arrived earlier today:)) that I would love to share with you.
This link details a wonderful journey of attempting to revive the lost art of letter writing (as well as quirky n beautiful elf doodles:) Thank you Ziggy! Keep up the admirable endeavor.:)
Favorite Painting!
Harini Chandrasekar
Interesting crops of a favorite painting of mine: A precious tribal Gond Painting received as a wedding gift from a dear friend. The Gond tribal community is one of India's largest indigenous communities and their wonderfully expressive art is a reflection of their everyday quest for life. The art is created with the core community belief that "viewing a good image begets good luck." Gond art draws inspiration from myths and legends to daily life filled with dreams and imagination. Loaded with intricate details and an emotional connect, each Gond artist has a subtle yet signature style.
Pancha Tantra by Walton Ford
Harini Chandrasekar
Normally, I do not blog about books but this time I simply could not resist!:) Over a short trip out-of-town, I stumbled upon the most gorgeous book filled with large format highly detailed watercolors of animals by Walton Ford. On first glance, it is an irresistible production of rich, beautiful and utterly captivating images. A closer look reveals glorious animals with a murderous intent in Ford's world of splendidly savage birds and beasts. This book is worth every penny and more!