The Madras Designery
Thoughts and Illustrations from my daily blog
Filtering by Tag: Fish
Pattern Play
Harini Chandrasekar
Today's art is a small experiment in "Color Interaction" where the forms seen below become visible through visual play. (View http://perceptualstuff.org/colorinteractions.html for more information.) They have been created painstakingly using the same pattern of the base paper to create a new form. On closer inspection, you will realize the background color has not been tampered with. The red, blue and green color of the paper appear more vivid in parts due to their interaction with the fine black ink. As I was creating this artwork, I was reminded of Michelangelo's famous quote "Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. " I guess the turtle, fish and bird were always hidden in these wonderful Japanese Origami sheets. All it took was one .005 micron pen to make them all emerge one sunny afternoon :)
Fishy Tales
Harini Chandrasekar
Recently, I've been engrossed in this new book titled "Following Fish" by author Samanth Subramanian.More on http://samanth.in/blog/so-whats-the-book-about/ It's an awesome debut novel- anecdotal, humorous, wonderfully descriptive and blessed with the ability to make me more ravenous (literally!) with every page. Naturally, with this book still so fresh in my mind this could not be an illustration of anything else, could it?!;)